Intellectual output No 3

Target group

Teachers and teacher trainers


Intellectual Output 3 provides training concepts for education of veterinary teachers involved in soft/life skills teaching in 3 areas: communication, digital skills, entrepreneurial skills. Training concepts are also suitable for teachers of any veterinary subject wishing to upgrade their teaching techniques The training ensures that teachers acquire new knowledge on topic of specific life skills, gain an insight how these topics are taught elsewhere and obtain ideas they can include in their everyday teaching.


Communication training:

  • Training concept (word file)
  • Handouts 1-6 (pdfs) are available upon request
  • Worksheets 1-3 (pdfs) are available upon request

Digital skills training: Training concept with additional resources (word file)

Entrepreneurial mind set training: Training concept with additional resources (word file)

The SOFTVETS Training concept is prepared for veterinary teachers involved in life skills teaching at different higher education institutions (HEIs). It is aimed to teachers and/or institutions planning to incorporate teaching competence-based skills in their own syllabi or as an upgrade of an existing course. The templates of training concepts need to be adapted to local circumstances, facilities and possibilities.

The templates contain competences recommendations for teachers, intended learning outcomes, recommendations of teaching tools, techniques for adapting teaching methods for different scenarios, settings and outcomes and help to encourage the use of new teaching techniques of soft skills in effective communication with students.

The training concepts can be used in two ways. Firstly, Trainers can educate the professors who teach veterinary subjects and upgrade their teaching with skills to implement into their “professional” courses; Secondly, the training can focus on increasing the toolbar and methodology of teachers who already teach some of the soft skills. Trainers can be either local or international external experts or a veterinarian who is using the skills at a high level. The templates are planned for a 3-day-long course, but the timing and duration can and should be adapted to local circumstances.

IO3_Instruction_Training concept
IO3_Train the Trainer Course for Communication Skills in Veterinary Medicine
IO3_Entrepreneurial Mindset Training in Veterinary Medicine
IO3_Train the Trainer Course for Digital Skills in Veterinary Medicine

*During the course of our project we have adapted to the updated terminology, accordant to LifeComp framework, and started using the term “life” instead of “soft” skills in all outputs.