In the period of 13th – 18th of February, a series of online experts’ meeting withing SOFTVETS project were held. At monthly project coordinators’ meeting (held January 25th 2019) it was decided that separate meetings with respective experts were needed in order to comment the suggested draft of the IO1 – Recommendations of soft skills competences for veterinary students made by TIHO team.

The IO1 leader, The University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover project manager Christin Kleinsorgen organised and led three separate experts meeting.

So, the meetings were held with experts from communication field, entrepreneurship field and digital skills field. It was an opportunity for a more in depth analysis of suggested recommendation, talk on expectancy and possibilities within local curricula, as well as for setting the level at which life skills should be taught to veterinary students. Further steps were agreed upon, and a date for new online meeting was selected.

The final draft of IO1 should be finished and agreed upon by experts until the end of the March 2019 when the next Transnational coordinators’ meeting will be held in Vienna.