It is true, after 3 years of activities, the SOFTVETS project has finally reached its end. Ofcourse, that doesn’t mean project partners will stop emailing each other or others, in our quest to further expand and imbue the topic of veterinary higher education with topic of life skills. Here’s a really short overview of our project results that you can find on this webpage and many more information on our activities to come. Thanks for being our partners! 🙂

IO1 „Recommendations of life skills competences for veterinary students“ provides recommendations of life skills competences for veterinary students focusing on three key areas: communication, digital skills, entrepreneurial skills. The list of competences applies to higher education in veterinary medicine and can be integrated in whole or in part into existing curricula.

IO2 „Soft* skills” curriculum for implementation in veterinary higher education“ provides a suggestion of a life skills curriculum for use in veterinary higher education. The Curriculum includes 3 courses syllabi in 3 sections: Communication skills, Entrepreneurship skills and Digital skills. The SOFTVETS life skills curriculum for use in veterinary higher education is prepared for veterinary teachers, teacher trainers, students as well as faculty management and regulating bodies. The aim of this document is to aid implementation or integration of proposed syllabi in existing curricula.

 IO3 „Training concept for education of teachers involved in soft* skills teaching” provides training concepts for education of veterinary teachers involved in life skills teaching in 3 areas: communication, digital skills, entrepreneurial skills. Training concepts are also suitable for teachers of any veterinary subject wishing to upgrade their teaching techniques. The training ensures that teachers acquire new knowledge on topic of specific life skills, gain an insight how these topics are taught elsewhere and obtain ideas they can include in their everyday teaching.

IO4 „Evaluation tool for pilot implementation“ . The SOFTVETS Evaluation Questionnaire for Students and the SOFTVETS Reflection Questionnaire for Teachers were developed for higher education institutions that aim at evaluating competence-based courses.

During the course of the project, three Teaching & Training workshops for teachers were organised in implementation partners’ schools. The project team also organised an online conference with the topic „Teaching life skils in medical education“.

DOWNLOAD HERE the SOFVETS HANDBOOK which includes all of our outputs in one place.