Hey you!
you probably have a veterinarian that you find quite cool, follow them on social media or know them in real life. They stand out in their surroundings by doing things differently, having a fresh approach or have come up with solutions for a veterinary related issue. You feel they’re a great example of entrepreneurial thinking and innovative approach towards profession. We want to hear about it and will give out prizes for your presentation of the selected individual (or company).
We want you to shortly present a person, company, vet hospital or a project that seems innovative and smart to you. We’d like you to tell us why you chose them and how they inspired you by what they’re doing.
Send us your 1 pager presentation by November 15th 2019 and we’ll let you know about further steps. Three of the best presentations will win surgical scrubs sponsored by Purina and the best presentation will win a chance to take part in the 3 day education organized at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagreb in February 2020. The training will consist out of a number of workshops and networking on the topic of entrepreneurial thinking and innovation in veterinary medicine.
Here is an example of the 1 pager you need to prepare for us. Send us an email at lradin@vef.hr so we can send you the editable ppt file for your use. Use it however you want to 🙂
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